Hey guys! This post will be shorter than most, but I will have more coming soon! Last month, I became a Board Intern at the National Volunteer and Leadership Program (NVLP). I talked about NVLP before when I became Member of the Month, and this time, I am interning with them for the rest of the school year!
NVLP has a monthly meeting where they announce in-person volunteer events, online volunteer events, leadership-building events, and more. At NVLP, there are more than ten people on the Board because they need many people to help make events and come up with ideas for each month. All the volunteering goes to a good cause, and NVLP donates all our donations. Say I make 30 cranes for cancer patients, and so do another 30 members of the club. NVLP will donate all 900 cranes to cancer patients at a particular hospital, such as St. Jude.
NVLP has two Co-Presidents and one Vice President who manage volunteer and leadership events, manage the website, keep track of emails/responses, and manage PVSA verification. The two Volunteer Activity Coordinators (VAC) find/plan two to three volunteer events per month. The two Leadership Activity Coordinators (LAC) plan leadership webinars and review Board and intern applications. The VACs and LACs work together for NVLP’s Middle School Outreach Program, where middle schoolers participate in volunteer activities with high schoolers like me! The secretary takes meeting notes, submits monthly meeting minutes, and takes attendance during meetings and events. The Treasurer plans fundraisers, manages PVSA payments, and keeps track of financial reports. Media Manager creates Instagram posts/stories and sends Remind messages.
I am a Board Intern, and I do essential work like helping make the meeting slides or promoting in-person events, such as a movie night or ice cream social, to fundraise for the club. If you want to see NVLP’s website, click this link. You can only participate in the club at my high school. NVLP has not posted an Instagram post about the new interns, but when they do, I will update this post with it. Until next time!
- AnthroManTalks