Throughout the school year, I have been in the Anthropology Club, where I have learned about linguistic, biological, and cultural anthropology. My interest is medical anthropology, but I have requested that they talk more about medical anthropology in the future.
The Anthropology Club meets every Friday during the last 15-20 minutes of lunch, and I am there for each one. They have a president, a vice president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Unfortunately, the current treasurer is moving over the summer, and I requested to be their replacement next year. During my sophomore year of high school, I will be the treasurer for the Anthropology Club. As treasurer, I must organize fundraisers for the club and attend all in-school and out-of-school Anthropology Club events.
Furthermore, the Anthropology Club Board admitted that they need to learn more about medical anthropology and will probably not cover it this year due to the lack of time. Therefore, I will be leading the medical anthropology unit next year alongside my fellow Board members; however, it will be predominantly me introducing and teaching the unit.

A picture of the Anthropology Club (I am the fourth person from the left)!
This post is super short, so I will have another post come out very soon to make up for it. See you in a couple of weeks!
- AnthroManTalks